Busy Life

Today was a pretty good day. I went shopping with granma and it was great because I wasn't rushed or made fun of for the clothes that I chose.

It was just a nice feeling I should say.

Its something that I haven't felt in a while how I get to be myself. Besides that I actually found some cute things. I found a really cute dress and I found my some black short along side a green shirt.
What I really went out for was a pair of black work pants but being the shopping girly girl that I am I just had to turn and see other things too. Glad that I did because now I have something nice to wear when I go visit my fiancé in October. Since I brought him I should say that he is in basic training for 4 months and wont be back home until November. Just in time for thanksgiving! But we all get to visit him like I said in October and I just cant wait. While I do wait however I am currently working on my diploma and I am getting my shit together while I wait for my honey to get home.

So I'm doing pretty good.

Well now that I have these clothes they are so nice to me that I think I wanna show them off.

Yea I think they really cute! I kinda went out of my comfort zone with the dress and the shirt but to be honest its really comfortable and its loose. The shirt has those holes in the top of the sleeves so its kinda awkward to show off only my shoulders but the breeze is nice.

Speaking of clothes I just recently applied for a part time job a Rue21. A clothing store that would be awesome to work at. I bet you I will buy everything in there. With the discount yes! Hopefully they call me for an interview soon. I think I have a high chance of it because I am well experienced and my age and body type and appearance is what they are looking for and if they were to deny my application I am pretty sure the system will keep that in record and wonder why I wasn't hired. Lol please stop me from jumbling on.

This second job will be very beneficial because I will get paid a great amount and I wont have to worry about being broke again.

Now one of you may be wondering how in the world am I going to have time to maintain two jobs, Website, and my schooling. the answer is Idk (I Dont Know) but I always figure things out. I have 24/7 access to all these things so there is time in between them. I have done this before too..

Oh yes I have worked both Burger King and Walgreens at one time. It was a busy life then but its about to get busy again. This is only temporary however, I am not gonna do this for long unless I seem to really like it. I will do it for at least 6 or 7 months and then I will stop. This is just to get some extra money in the bank because I have dreams!!

And I want to have a happy and bright future with my future husband whom is coming home soon.

So yeah....


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