So I am trying something new here. Since I have been getting a little more comfortable with some things I figured I could give all of this a try. I made a website solely for my music. Just so I can have a little something I can call my own. Its exciting for me but at the same time scary...

But mostly exciting because I can come home everyday and have something interesting that I love to do. Witch is write and record and master. I love doing it. Not only does it keep my mind off of things but it helps me let out what's being held inside. I am an emotional girl and I will put that out there. And if it wasn't for music I really wouldn't be here today.

My website is called Elysse's Music24. I may change it because I am not 100% percent with the name. But it will have to do for now till I get to know myself a little better. If that even makes sense. Lol. But its all ok, Because I am ok with it. To be truly honest I have no idea what the hell I am doing but like I said its ok.

So here it is: My Website.

Just check it all out navigate a little see what advice you can give me. I would love any and all feedback. 


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