Short and Eventful

So its been pretty busy the last two days. I was supposed to go into work today but I couldn't go in feeling like puking all day. so I called in.  Good thing too because I did ended up being extremely sick for like 2 hours and then I was all better. But not only that, the plumbers were here today and they said we couldn't flush the toilets because they had the pipes opened. They dug a big hole into our ground and a big trench out into the yard and looks crazy. I took pictures for you guys to see.
So those are the plumbers in the the back yard digging and the hole you see there is our porch.
It looks kinda cool to be honest but its also crazy. It was short but eventful and now every time we flush we can see it come into the ditch! Yea its gross but thats why we wont go look. 

So that's pretty eventful considering all other things coming up. As some of you may or may not know my fiancĂ© is currently in training for the military. In October he will be graduating and becoming a soldier. So me and some of my family will be going all the way to South Carolina to see him. I am deathly excited and nervous. So we made reservations at a nice hotel to be there soon. 
I'm just so excited I can barely breath. 
Elysse's Music24
I wanted to say thank you to everyone who visited my site and that I am excited about my fans! I encourage you all to share what you discover! As crazy as things may be everything will be ok in the end.


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