Good Morning!

Well this morning I was woken by the sound of the city working in our front yard. They seem to be trying to find the root of our plumbing problem. And they are confused it seems because they cant what they are looking for. But its funny at the same time because the city is trying to figure it out so there are men all over our house and they are just confused.

Anyway, I am awake.
So today I need to be at work around 1pm or so and that really sucks because I dont get back home until 10pm and I just hate being at work all damn day. I wish there was a way I can just work at home and make money out the ass but there isn't. So I wake my ass up every day deal with people.

Besides work and all that I really want to be at the beach. What I would do just to sit in the sand and listen to the sparkling waves. I'm just tired like the rest of them. 

Ok so if I stop complaining and actually wake up to get ready for work I can have a pretty productive day.

I made a promise to myself that I was going to workout and try to get in shape so when my fiancĂ© gets back from boot camp we can both be like, "Woa you look so good!" He is gonna be so tone when he gets back I'm jealous because he kinda doesn't have a say so if he doesn't feel like working out today or not. Where as me I can either sleep in bed all day or actually get up and cardio my day... 
Also this is day two of my website being live and I am still very excited to have it! Even tho there is little attention like I said its just cool to have. This blog is just kinda saying how I feel today and when I get back from work I might have a story to tell because there is always something crazy with the people that I deal with.

(Update) Wow I cant believe I forgot to put the link to the website for those that are seeing this blog as my first.  That's it! :D


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